STOP WASTING HERBS | Sage Smudge Bundle for Tranquility

When I researched the Native American origins of a sage smudge bundle and smudging rituals, it inspired me to create my own. The garden has been providing me with so many herbs and finding ways to use them became a big goal.

A beautiful sage smudge bundle allows the gardener to use the crops and respect what they grow while creating new healthy habits. Sage smudging at home, is to create, and nurture the garden. It is also a very impactful and beautiful ritual with so much history.

sage smudge bundle


I am truly thankful for the burning sage bundle practice that inspired me and hope to inspire you to make your own, instead of buying them.

The practice of smudging has to be one that you do because you are ready and desire to do so.

Unveil the amazing ways you can use the garden crops and not have to buy herbs or sage smudge bundles. Learn how to make your beautiful smudge sticks that add style to your own space. Understand the respect that comes with a sage house cleansing smudging prayer.

Watch the video to learn the step-by-step process to make beautiful, unique, and meaningful sage smudge sticks.


Grow your herbs if you can, you can grow so many varieties each season. Growing herbs does not take a lot of space, you can do it in containers.

The more traditional sages to use are:

  • White Sage: The scent is strong and very clean. This is most probably why it is the ideal one for purification.
  • Desert Sage: This sage has a sweet herbal scent and is best for grounding and protection. It is native to California.
  • Clary Sage: It is more subtle in aroma and promotes relaxation. A beautiful flowering herb with Mediterraneum origins.

I use my sage from the garden and though they are not aromatic like the ones mentioned above, they are very beautiful. They also won’t have as long of a burning time as the white sage.

Take into consideration the availability of the herbs in your area before making a decision.

Reflect on the cultural and historical significance of the sage varieties to make the experience of sage prayer smudging at home be anchored down into your personal needs.

It all begins with mindful gardening and understanding why you want or need to grow what you have in your garden in order not to have any waste.

If you do not know where to start and are a beginner gardener, don’t be intimidated. When you learn the basics, you can quickly learn to grow so much that will make an impact in your daily life and create new healthy habits.



I am respectful of this Native American tradition and do not intend to copy the ritual.

It is important to note that white sage is being depleted from overharvesting to produce trendy commercialized sage bundles. I was guilty once of buying some of these bundles, but not any longer.

You do not have to grow or use the white sage, it may be best to use some of the other beautiful sages:

  • Tricolor Sage – variegated leaves with hints of pink lavender. My favorite!
sage prayer smudging home
  • Purple Sage – So stunning, with lavender leaves as they grow that turn a beautiful green as they age.
  • Golden Sage – Extremely golden bright edges on the variegated leaves. A beautiful accent in the garden.
  • Silvery Gray Sage – I love the soft look of this sage in the garden and the long leaves.
  • Ictarina Sage – Love the beautiful lavender flowers it gets for the pollinator in the garden. the variegated leaves have a soft and subtle tone.


Make smudging a positive experience by avoiding some of the following:

  • Using too much of the herbs: If you are using white sage, be conscious of how much you use. You won’t need to use much to be effective.
  • Being in a hurry: Just like gardening, take your time when smudging, don’t rush.
  • Providing fresh air: Make sure that you have good airflow when you are burning sage.
  • Using green herbs: The moisture may cause mold to grow.

Sage prayer smudging at home includes the following and each has a meaning:

NATUREMatchesUse wood matches to connect with nature.
EARTHSageProvide the foundation to ground the practice.
WATERAbalone ShellPractical in use, but a significant connection to the Mother Ocean.
AIRFeatherSymbolizes inspiration.
SOUNDMusicHealing sounds help with cleansing, but are not required.
PURIFYINGPalo Alto StickHas purifying properties.

Making the sage bundles and burning sage is a process that takes time. Take the time you need to understand the process and how important each step is.

Our personal experiences and life stories are linked to the energy we bring when smudging. Find the right time for you.


This sage bundle was created for the joy and beauty it brings me.

You can create simple sage bundles or use the sage leaves directly in your bowl for a smudging session.

Gather Materials

STRINGUse cotton string or hemp twine
SCISSORSUse a comfortable pair.
HERBSUse what you grow: rosemary, lavender, different sage types.
FLOWERSUse what you grow: feverfew, strawflowers, rose petals or lavender.

2. DRY HERBS: Allow the drying to be for 3-7 days before using the herbs. When it comes to the rose petals, use them fresh so they will not crumble when you tie the bundle. Note that if you let the herbs dry too much, the herb may crumble. I prefer to only leave mine for 3 days or so.

It is best to use organic herbs and flowers. This is also a big reason to grow your own, you can grow in a container, not needing a lot of space. Herbs are the perfect plants to grow in a small garden.

when to burn sage

Create The Bundles

3. BUNDLE IN STAGES: When making a larger bundle, I find it much easier to make them in stages. First, the woody stems, such as lavender or rosemary, followed up by the sage, and finally the flowers, such as rose petals or feverfew. Watch the video to see how to layer your bundle to keep it tight and holding as it drys.

sage cleansing prayer home

4. TIGHT WITH STRING ON FIRST LAYER (ROSEMARY): When adding the string, make sure that you are squeezing the bundle to make it as tight as possible. The only time I will not do this is when using fully dry herbs.

Begin with your first layer, cut a string that is long enough to bend in half and tight in in the bottom firmly before starting to wrap it.

Wrap the string in a crisscrossing fashion. Watch the video for how to tighten the bottom of the first layer firmly.

sage smudge bundles

5. ADD LAVENDER AND SAGE AROUND THE ROSEMARY BUNDLE: After adding the lavender and sage all around the rosemary, tighten it firmly on the bottom per the video.

sage smudge stick how to use

6. TIE THE SAGE TO THE ROSEMARY BUNDLE: Crisscross the string halfway up to leave the sage loose on the top. This is just for the aesthetic look.

how to make smudge sticks

7. SELECT THE FLOWERS: Add some lavender, strawflowers, or rose buds. I like using feverfew flowers as well to soften the look.

8. WRAP FLOWERS: Wrap the string by crisscrossing to the top to hold the flowers in place.

herbs for smudge sticks

Final Touches

9. CUT THE BOTTOM: I like to cut the bottom evenly to make the bundle feel more anchored down. The top of the bundle can be cut if you like, but on this specific bundle design, I prefer to leave the aesthetic to feel like a bouquet, natural looking.

10. HANG TO DRY: Now that you have completed the sage smudge bundle, place it in a dry place and allow it to dry fully before you do your sage house cleansing smudging prayer.

Select an area that is cool and well ventilated, but does not dry it outdoors until you live in a very dry zone. I do not like to place my bundles in the sun to prevent the sun from bleaching the bundle.

It takes around 7 days for a typical bundle, but if it is thicker like this one, it will take around 2-3 weeks.

how to dry sage for smudge sticks

Growing your herbs opens the door to many possibilities on what you can use. But more importantly, is that you start the tradition as you are nurturing the earth and incorporating your energy through the experience.

This makes the sage smudge bundles much more significant to me.


The Fanshawe Institute of Indigenous Learning mentioned that ‘there is no right way or wrong way to smudge, I’ve been told by my elders’.

This is a very insightful video you should watch and it is linked below.

In the video, you will learn the ritual of the smudging prayer. Some of the steps mentioned are to go through:

  • ‘Use your senses to begin’
  • ‘Cleanse hands’
  • ‘Cleanse by using an Eagle Feather’
  • ‘Cleanse the Breath’
  • ‘Smudge the Eyes’
  • ‘Smudge the Ears’
  • ‘Smudge the Hair’
  • ‘Smudge the Feet’

It is our responsibility to learn not to be perfect, but instead learn out of respect. They emphasize how we don’t need to be reluctant to practice smudging.


It is said that once you are done, you should place it back on the land. Back where it came from, and offer it back to the earth.


My sweet husband is redoing his office where he is beginning his writing career for this new season of his life. We plan to do the sage cleansing ritual with the herbs we grew ourselves. It is the closing of the circle to us.

What is the significance for you?

Burning for the sake of burning sage is not what it is about.

Just as we garden because of the impact the process brings to our lives.

As I have struggled for years with my mental health, new habits have emerged that bring me a sense of peace and hope, as well as being grateful for where I am in life.

This is one ceremony I won’t copy, but will be inspired always to practice my own way. As he said, ‘there is no right or wrong’. Pick your own way’. It is an honor to ask and to learn.’

You Cocoon Awaits You,

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One Take | What is Smudging?


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