
Cocoon Raw

What to focus on when you start your garden

Here are 5 things you should focus on when starting a garden : 

Start Small: Start small and then build each year. It's best not to overwhelm yourself at the start. 

Know Your Zone: you can look online or even call the garden center to ask if you can’t go visit them.  Nurseries love giving advice and connecting with the public, they are as excited about the season starting as you are.

Mind Your Soil! Amending the soil with organic matter is probably the most important thing you can do in the garden. It does not matter if you have clay, sand, or any type of soil. Add compost to get it ready.

Have Patience: You are not going to have plants overnight, they take time. The earth is waking up from winter just as we are.

Don't Overuse Insecticides: Bad pests in the garden, also mean beneficial ones like bees and dragonflies also waking up. Do not go crazy with insecticide, it is so detrimental to the bee population.